ENLTE truly “power to the people”


The advantage of internet to us cannot be over emphasized. It has brought ease to communications and connections in no small measure. Rating and review is becoming interesting. Personally, if I want to purchase any product for office and home, first thing I do is to check the review to see the cons and pros of such products. I also see the rating strength to enable me make the right choice. This is very powerful tool to gather and weigh the level of experience.

Different things and task are being achieved on the internet. Websites are being hosted to the tune of about 1.5 billion in the past year. The internet is the largest platform for interconnection where information are easily located and transmitted, and search is perform on a click away.

It sounds interesting but there are other aspects of internet life and activities that are not completely covered. For instance if you intent to search for a participation content but unable to use the right keyword, it may take more time than necessary to search and locate what you need on the internet.

Secondly there is no platform put in place to give us the right and useful update of the happening and notifications of events even close to us.

If we follow the customary way of getting issues resolve, we will be waiting for long because the processes involved in handling things physically is very sluggish and discouraging.

Another aspect of physical event is the area of reporting a particular issue, we know that the reporter cannot be completely hidden but on the internet anonymity is possible.

ENLTE proposes to be the bridge to connect and recover the missing links on the internet in three different magnitudes viz;

  1. keyword
  2. location based network and
  3. Social connection.

ENLTE gives immediate and reliable details of events that are ongoing in your location even better that an eyewitness in a local news broadcast. (I say this with confidence, because I have tested the android version of the ENLTE application).

Socio-net on the ENLTE platform is a term used to describe the network of computers paying attention to it location-based small world network and social communication.

This builds trust for everything that has to do with the internet. It is faster and very good with awesome interacting proficiency.

While the location-based small world network and the Socio-net has the ability to connect people with each other in real-time. ENLTE simply brings us closer to each other.


ENLTE utilizes rating and review to grade the level of experience from the platform to the users. By doing this, user feedback will be properly used for effective changes on the platform, leading to overall improvement and better experience.

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On ENLTE Socionet (Network), there is a democratized control. Users are able to control, see, record and take action in accordance of events that are going on within their different locations globally. ENLTE is made for the people, hence it encourages users to assist themselves where application.

Other feature of ENLTE is as follows;

  1. Nearby notification: this is implanted into the system for users to share their rating to people around them. For instance, once the app as mentioned earlier is installed, negative star rating notifications will pop up to notify you of events that calls for action in your location.
  2. Decentralization: the network is user-to-user. No one in the centre to control it.
  3. One Universal Identify power of anonymity: Users are in charge hers, and also has the power to remain anonymous in the rating, reviewing experiences without being under any kind of attack anywhere.
  4. User generated content: From the details given about ENLTE network, it is obvious that, it is all about the people. Users are the ones to generate contents from pages, locations, businesses etc. and other desirable contents as deemed necessary.
  5. Reward: Users are rewarded to encourage them to spread the good news about ENLTE using the social awareness token. In any way a user may contribute positively to the society, such user earns on the platform. Awareness such as spreading information about ENLTE, resolving issues or evaluation of transaction, whichever task performed by any user, attracts a reward. For details of reward kindly visit: https://web.enlte.com/

There are numerous benefit of this platform to the user that has confirmed indeed that it is for the people.

You are by this information invited to join the ICO. Check: ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2985619, for more details or the website on: https://web.enlte.com/ for additional details on the ICO.

Authored by: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1221175


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